Puri Jati


Puri Jati is located near our nearest town Seririt.
This dive site is approached by car. The journey takes about 45min.
Puri Jati is similar to Secret Bay, except that the water temperature is quite normal (27C - 30C).
Also this dive sitewe put in the category "Muck diving" .
Absolutely no hard corals and complete sandy soil with seagrass beds offer many small rarities
a home.
Puri Jati is also the home of the Mimic Octopus and the Wonderpuss. But you have to have good luck and patience to get these shy creatures in front of the lens.
Puri Jati is also the home of the Mimic Octopus and the Wonderpuss. But you have to have good luck and patience to get these shy creatures in front of the lens.